Name (Last, First): Takahiro Anzai
Nickname[s]: Zai
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He / Him
Age: 32
Birthday: December 29th
Orientation: Pansexual / Panromantic
Hometown: Kyoto, Japan
Languages: Japanese, English
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: Cosmetologist


Hair Color: gray
Eye Color: honey brown
Height: 6'3"
Notable features: height, shaggy hair, sharp features if he actually shows them
Style: dark colors, grunge
Skin: has an olive hue
Scent: cigarettes and mint


Anzai comes off as rather gruff at first and a lot of people are typically intimidated by him but he's a huge softy that just always says all the wrong things. He's an amazing listener because he's so quiet and genuinely patient with those around him. He's a talk things through rather than argue and fight, he is very much against violence despite many thinking he is probably the violent type because of how he looks.

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Anzai was always the quiet kid in such a big and loud family. He has three older brothers and a younger sister and well, he was always the one that seemed the type to let others run over him, a correct assumption for anyone that assumed such a thing. His older brothers were always looking out for him and even his baby sister didn't let anyone run over him. Things changed when he hit his growth spurt and then he was towering over others around him and then because he suddenly seemed so intimidating, people started making up rumors that he was a deliquent.

He was never the type for violence, he was just the eyes and ears of everything around him. He had a secret gift that he never good explain, there was this sense that he had that told him if something was about to happen, though usually it's small things like a vase falling or someone tripping, he just knows, it's basically some sort of danger sense but he or anyone around him have never been in extreme danger to know if it reacts to extreme dangers it never made sense because he was the only one to seemingly be able to do this in the family but he took it in stride, it's not like it's something supernatural or anything like that, he's just got extremely amazing gut feelings about stuff honestly.

Despite his gift, he's just a normal human that fell in love with cosmetology and even makeup, though he never did much with his own hair and never thought to put makeup on himself, he loved doing it for others so he went on to become a cosmetologist and managed to land a place in a popular salon. Sometimes it's hard for him to get customers because he intimidates the hell out of everyone but he's patient as ever and makes sure to be calm and quiet so they don't fear him more.


1. Anzai is only a casual smoker or a stress smoker, he's not the type to smoke a lot but he does find himself drawn to them more than he wants to admit.

2. he is sometimes seen wearing a band on his ring finger, he's not at all married nor has he ever been, he just wishes that he was. One might say he's lonely and craves a marriage like his parents have one day.

Name: Sacha De La Fontaine
Nickname[s]: tba
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: He / Him
Age: 23
Birthday: May 12th
Orientation: Pansexual / Panromantic
Hometown: Marseille, France
Languages: French, English
Occupation: Traveler

Hair Color: White with a blue hue to it
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’7”
Notable features: hair, pale skin
Style: No specific style. Sweaters, sweatpants, jeans, anything that he can get his hands on really.
Vision: better than a humans
Skin: extremely pale
Scent: rain

Sacha is absolutely the lonewolf type of person. He keeps people at a distance and never sticks around people too long. He's lonely due to how he keeps away from others but he won't do anything to change it. He does have a seemingly doormat of a personality where he can be walked all over and pushed around. There are times when he is easily angered and seems ready to fight but that's just something to do with instinct.

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Born into a family that held a curse that had not been seen in many many years, the curse struck the second son, Sacha. The curse of the werewolf. Nobody in the family knows why it never hit until Sacha, some in the family theorize that Sacha is the reincarnation of their ancestor that had the curse but everyone tried to make sure Sacha had a normal life despite his curse. Yet, Sacha could see how they were wary at times too, especially when he would have his angry outbursts, when he would growl at them and especially when he'd turn into a wolf.

His family loves him, there's no doubt about it but they fear the beast that lurks under his skin. They loved him and gave him everything he ever wanted but Sacha wanted to free them of the curse that he carried so one day he told his family he wished to travel the world. Tears and many don't go's were exchanged from his parents, siblings and grandparents but his mind was made up and they knew it and supported him for it. His father supplied him with a credit card that he'd keep funded for his son to go and travel, to take care of him and any of his needs and then Sacha left.

He does hate that he is mooching off his family so he does sometimes take odd end jobs when he stops in one place for a short time. He keeps in touch with his family as well but he feels they have to be happier without him around with that curse of his. Of course he's wrong, they miss him as much as he misses them but he's too stubborn to see it that way.

1. His shifting into his wolf form deals with his emotions at times. If he grows angry then he will begin shifting but typically his shifting is around the time of a full moon.
2. If he shifts outside of a full moon, it's actually painful. It feels natural around a full moon and there's little to no pain.
3. When he is about to shift you'll see it in his eyes and teeth and nails. His eyes will take on a wild gleam, his teeth will grow sharp and longer and his nails will look more like claws.

Name: Florentiy Mariposa Luna-Cyprus
Nickname[s]: Floren
Gender: Trans Male
Pronouns: He / Him
Age: 25
Birthday: June 25th
Orientation: Pansexual / Panromantic
Hometown: The Mythical Kingdom in the hidden Mythical lands
Languages: English, Mythical languages
Occupation: King

Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5’8”
Notable features: the jewelry he wears, his sharp eyes, pointed ears, wings.
Style: Royal clothing, jewels decorate his form
Vision: Excellent
Skin: Tanned
Scent: Wine


Florentiy has his different sides, he's like an onion with many layers. He can be happy go lucky and bright, he can be stern and angry. Typically though, he's odd. He's just completely and absolutely an odd ball that not one person can truly figure out. He says the weirdest things, believes the weirdest things. He does get confused by modern sayings VERY easily and tends to get them mixed up as he tries and repeats them truly. He's stubborn, so stubborn. But, you'll find that this King is loyal to a fault.

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From a young age, Florentiy knew he'd be on the throne one day. Knowing that one day he'd be the king that would speak for mythical creatures of the mythical lands that his family has always ruled over. His family has always tried to be kind and caring rulers to all mythical creatures, always trying to protect and care for them all but even they have let some fall through the cracks and Florentiy wants to make sure he never lets any mythical creature fall through the cracks should they need anything.

Florentiy took the throne when his father's health began declining. His father is still hanging onto life as a fierce royal does but it was best to pass the title of king of the mythical realm to his son.

There's a rule that the mythical realm is meant to stay a secret. Mythical creatures can roam in and out of the mythical realm and into the human realm but they have to keep the realm itself a secret or it will be subject to war, as it always has been anytime it ever came to be known. Magic always ends up hiding it once more and humans forget but there's always one that knows something and there's always one mythical creature that tells too much. Not even Florentiy is supposed to speak of the realm if he wanders into the human realm, though that does not mean he listens to that fully, there are instances where he has told of the realm to a mere mortal.


1. The Royal family has always had a mix of dragons blood and faerie blood. The children of the royal family all being born with wings, some taking that of dragon nature, others having wings of that of a fae. Florentiy's wings resemble a faerie's but with a dragon like edge to them. Like many in the royal family, he can retract his wings at will.

2. Florentiy's pupils take on a slit look when he is angry or his emotions in general are high.

3. Florentiy is still young given the ages that both sides of his bloodlines can live to be so that being said, he is still learning his true power, learning his strength and still learning how to be the best king he can be.

3. He's more in tune with the dragon parts of his bloodline. He's better with warm than cold, he breathes fire with ease, he can smell really well. He has had some difficulties connecting to the faerie parts of himself, mostly the magic that comes with it because it does feel complicated. He has control over most things that come with his magic but ... there's still things he hasn't come to realize yet about his own magic so those pieces very well will be wild and untamed.

Name: Harlow Jiang
Nickname[s]: Harls
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She / Her
Age: 24
Birthday: April 19th
Orientation: Pansexual / Panromantic
Hometown: Newark, New Jersey
Languages: English, Chinese
Ethnicity: Asian(Chinese) / White
Occupation: Saleswoman at a boutique and a photographer for the boutique as well

Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5’0”
Notable features: her eyes
Style: cutesy & bright are her go to.
Vision: great
Skin: has a slight olive hue
Scent: roses


Harlow is a rather soft spoken and gentle woman, though she has a very friendly nature and loves to talk to others. She is the type of person to get upset and emotional very easily, ready to burst into tears at a moments notice if the wrong thing is said. She wears her heart on her sleeve and she's entirely the type of person to help others with no questions asked. She is the type of person to never defend herself unless she gets pushed and pushed and pushed and then she snaps out at someone with no regret. To top it all off, she's stubborn.

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Harlow knew she wanted to be part of the fashion industry at a young age, though not as a designer or anything like that, Harlow wanted to be the photographer for big name fashion models. Harlow knew her dream was a reach, knowing that nobody would ever look at someone like her and say "I want her to be my photographer!" She didn't allow herself to ever be disappointed despite her family encouraging her and her siblings to always follow their dreams that they had. She would never really take the leap for her dream, life would be easier that way and her hopes wouldn't be up only to get crushed.

She chose to work at a boutique at eighteen and she never stopped working there. She did get to be the photographer for the models of the boutique so that the clothes could be advertised on the website but, that was the closest she'd ever get to her dream and yet, she felt happy to get even that close.

In her free time she runs a fashion blog. While she didn't want to be a designer or anything as stated before, she did like to critique things she saw that were in style and trending and she liked to diss ugly outfits too. She's very critical about the photo quality of fashion events too, a lot of people have noted that she is vicious about photographers at any kind of fashion event. Some might even say she comes off as arrogant when she makes comments like "I could have gotten a better angle on that outfit" or "I would've made that lighting look better with that outfit with my photography skills".

She's content where she is, even if it was never her ultimate dream. It'll do. She'll settle.


1. Harlow is the younger sister of Amity. She is younger than him by two years. She was one of the sisters he talks about terrorizing him when in reality Harlow was guilty of trying to make all her siblings model for her to get better at her photography skills.

2. Harlow is very knowledgeable about camera's and will forever be in awe if she see's someone have a top of the line camera, especially if it's one that she wants too.

Name: Ulric Lindsey
Nickname[s]: Ric
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He / Him
Age: 23
Birthday: July 30th
Orientation: Pansexual / Panromantic
Hometown: Birmingham, England
Languages: English, Russian
Ethnicity: White ( English / Russian )
Occupation: employee at a tattoo parlor

Hair Color: Black with a red hue in certain lights
Eye Color: red
Height: 5’7”
Notable features: Eyes, beauty mark
Style: Edgy
Vision: great
Skin: extremely pale
Scent: Coconut


Ulric has a rather cocky seeming personality, especially when it comes to his "skills" in the tattoo industry ( his lack of skills is a better term there ). He is very passionate about the things he enjoys though. He's a talker, he'll literally talk your ear off but he's really good at keeping conversation at least. He's stubborn for absolutely no reason and he's extremely self conscious when his flaws are pointed out to him ... He knows he is flawed and it hurts him to have it pointed out.

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Ulric has always thought tattoos were the most amazing things to exist. Growing up, he had no shame in walking up to someone that had a tattoo and asking them all about it and talking about how he was going to be a tattoo artist one day so they better remember him! He’s cocky about his abilities .... Abilities that he doesn’t have at all. He tells people that he’s a great tattoo artist while his childhood best friend snorts in the background like: sir you can’t draw a smiley face correctly.

He begged his way into being hired at a tattoo parlor, his boss Theo Powe is so kind and sees a talent in him ( theo took pity on the poor guy and hired him to take care of appointments and payments ). At least his parents have always been supportive and believed in their son. His parents genuinely think their son is a great artist despite never looking at any kind of work he’s done, or better yet, hasn’t actually done.

Despite him acting all cocky and saying he’s the best in the world at tattoos, he really is so invested in the art that is tattoos and he loves learning so much about it and seeing new and beautiful tattoos be brought to life. He wishes so badly that he could do that too but he has the artistic talent of an acorn and his childhood friend makes sure to remind him of that ( are your really friends if you don’t throw each other under the bus ? )


1. Ulric lives in a flat with two roommates, his childhood friend that was mentioned briefly above in his bio and another guy around their age that he became friends with over time.

2. Despite loving tattoos and the work that goes into tattoos, Ulric has surprisingly few tattoos. He has one on the inside of his wrist that simply says dream, it's just a reminder that he has a dream that he shouldn't give up on. He has has a feather on the left side of his body, along his ribcage. That's about it but he plans to get more tattoos in the future honestly.

Name: Ever O'Brien
Nickname[s]: Eve
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He / Him
Age: 24
Birthday: October 30th
Orientation: Pansexual / Panromantic
Hometown: Birmingham, England
Languages: English
Ethnicity: White ( English / Irish )
Occupation: Web Designer / Hacker

Hair Color: Naturally Ginger, dyed pink
Eye Color: Blue - Grey
Height: 5’7”
Notable features: Hair, eyes
Style: Elegant
Vision: Bad very bad
Skin: Pale
Scent: Strawberries


Eve is a mature person all around and seems to have all his ducks in a row. Eve looks like the type to follow every rule but secretly he loves to break all the rules and he was actually more of the delinquent type in school, not really just for a fighting sense but he liked to hack the school systems and get the test answers or go steal and make copies of future material and answers and sell it, he'd graffiti things ( it was fine because ulric would cover his ass ). He's a good guy at heart but he's not scared of being in a verbal fight or even physical.

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Eve and his family moved from Ireland to England when Eve was about four. He doesn't remember where in Ireland his family originally lived so he sees where he grew up at as his true hometown instead of somewhere he only spent four years of his life despite his parents saying that was his true hometown.

Eve was the middle child, having an older brother and a younger sister. His parents loved him and cared for him but he felt a bit left out sometimes because his sister never did wrong and his older brother was the smartest guy that his parents had ever seen and then Eve was just average and had crappy sight.

It didn't help that Eve wasn't the best at making friends at first in life but he found a friend in a scrawny kid named Ulric Lindsey. It was them against the world and they shared a lot of interests at the time and even when they got older and found other interest that they didn't share, it didn't matter at all because they were already best friends, so much so that they moved into a flat together and with another roommate to split the rent.

Eve "Grew up" and became a very respectable part of society, very good at his web designing and making very good money with it but he also still loved to hack things, nothing huge yet, hacking peoples phones if asked and for a price of course, hacking computers of others for a price. Everything has a price.


1. Hacking came easy to Eve, as did web design, they just flowed naturally for him and it was his calling so he stuck with it and he makes good money with both.

2. Eve is protective of his childhood friend because he knows that Ulric will let himself get run right over and is a self conscious kind of guy.

Name: Aithen
Nickname[s]: tba
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He / Him
Age: appears 24, actual age is in the thousands range but he stopped keeping count
Birthday: He stopped keeping up with this too.
Orientation: Pansexual / Panromantic
Languages: English primarily but he knows many more as well such as chinese, french, korean, german, japanese and more.
Occupation: Angel

Hair Color: Black with a slight blue hue
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5’6”
Notable features: Wings, dimples
Style: Comfortable and casual, typically wears a lot of white
Vision: excellent
Skin: Pale
Scent: Apples


Aithen is a very soft spoken and gentle soul that only wants the best for those around him. He is not the type to lash out at anyone for any reason, though he can get angry like anyone can, he will bottle it up. He's very caring of others and protective of others as well, even if he barely knows you. He's not the judgmental type, in his mind it is not his place to judge anyone at all. He is intelligent and very observant but also stubborn and set in his own ways, old habits die hard after all. He's not very open about his own feelings, rather focusing on others than himself.

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Angels are not a secret, to some they are myths of course, to others they're very real. Most don't realize how many Angels do walk among them day in and day out, hiding their wings and watching over others and even helping others as well. Aithen happens to be an Angel that walks amongst humans. There are people that know him but not what he is, they know him as this man that is so helpful and gentle but not as an Angel, maybe they've thought of him as one jokingly but they've never taken the time to humor the idea that he is one.

Aithen likes to help others with little day to day tasks truly. Volunteering to help move furniture? Aithen. Helping little old ladies across the street? Aithen. Helping to carry your groceries home? Aithen. Cheering up a crying child? Aithen. Talking to you when it feels like you're all alone? Aithen is there for all of these situations.

How does an Angel not get found out? The wings should be tell on him but, not everyone can see his wings or interact with them, not unless they actually believe him to be an angel. They'll never know he has wings, they're just invisible for them. Supernatural creatures are another subject though, supernatural creatures have always been able to see the wings of an angel. There's also demons, they can spot an angel a mile away and vice versa truly.